One-Stop Shop,
Highly Skilled Consultants
Cost Effective,
Save Time and Money
Catered To Your
District's Specific Needs

Who Is ISBO?

(Interim School Business Office)

We are that help you are looking for!

We offer a wide array of services specifically for school districts. The Interim School Business Office is the one stop shop with the help you need. Let us help you with that professional help you need for a specific amount of time. Our services are customizable since every district has its own needs. We know! We are retired former business office personnel. From Business Manager to Accounts payable…we are here to help school districts with their short/long term projects and needs! Check out our Services page for more information or contact us today with your specific needs.

ISBO Services

Our company offers Interim personnel for short/long term coverage and or one-time projects.

Interim Personnel Positions

For long or short-term needs

Office Assistant
Pupil Personnel Services
Food Service Director
District Office Secretary
Business Manager
Human Resources
Accounts Payable
...And More!

Projects & Trainings

Our services also include one-time projects, training, and questions answered.

Financial Strategy
Process Reviews/Strategy
Streamlining Processes
Capital Equipment
Public Relations
...And Much More!

* Federal, State, Agency, Co-op, etc.
** 1 time or subscription service

District Inquiry for Service Form:

District Inquiry for Service Form PDF

Let us know by filling out this PDF how we can cater to your District's specific needs.

Meet Our Leadership

Mark Sheahan

President & Treasurer

Certified Public Accountant

Certified School Business Official

Masters of Education

Heather Conroy

Vice President & Secretary

Independent Consultant

School Business Specialist

Bachelors of Science in Business

Susan Dunlap

Senior Consultant

30+ years Business Office Manager

School Business Specialist


Dee Thomas

Senior Consultant

20+ years Business Office Coordinator/Staff Trainer

Payroll/Accounts Payable Processing


Join Our Team Today

For employment consideration, please download, read, and send completed forms back to ISBO.
(See instructions on the bottom of each PDF Form)

Consultant Onboarding Checklist:

Consultant Onboarding Checklist PDF

Please use this checklist to make sure we have everything we need to get you started consulting for us.

Consultant Onboarding Questionnaire Form:

Consultant Onboarding Questionnaire Form PDF

Please fill out this form so we can find the perfect fit for you as one of our Consultants.

Consultant FEIN Instructions:

Consultant FEIN Instructions PDF

Please read this PDF to help you through the FEIN process and filling out an SS-4.

Consultant Insurance Instructions:

Consultant Insurance Instructions PDF

Please read this PDF to help you navigate the coverage you will need consulting for us.